Admissions Overview

General Information and Timeline

Thank you for your interest in the All Saints Episcopal Day School. We are currently accepting applications to grades where we have openings for the 2024-2025 school year. Please contact our Director of Enrollment Management, Joan Harrison, by calling 201-792-0736 or email us at to ask about space in your child’s grade.
Applications for the 2025-2026 school year are available now and will be processed beginning on August 1, 2024.
You may submit an inquiry form by clicking the Request Information button below.

Early Application Process

December 2: Application deadline

January 6: All required forms due (including Supporting Documents)

January 6: Financial Aid applications due

January 15: Enrollment offers will be sent

February 3: Signed contract and nonrefundable $1,500 deposit required to secure enrollment.

Standard Application Process

January 6: Application deadline

February 3: All required forms due (including Supporting Documents)

February 3: Financial Aid applications due

February 14: Enrollment offers will be sent

February 28: Signed contract and nonrefundable $1,500 deposit required to secure enrollment.

Age Requirements

Students must be three years old by September 1 of the year that they start Pre-K3. This September 1 cut-off date policy stands until First Grade, when we will consider applicants who miss the cut-off.

Parent Interview and Student Assessments

Once an application is received, you will be contacted by our admissions team to schedule a parent interview and a student assessment appointment. We aim to hold both these appointments at the same time.

Supporting Documents

For applicants who have attended formal academic, daycare, or enrichment programs (whether part-time or full-time), the following supporting documents are required:

These recommendations may be requested from your child’s current school via our online application. Recommendations and school records are confidential and must be conveyed directly from school to school, either electronically (to or by mail.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where are you located?

We have two campuses. Our Saint Nicholas Center Campus (SNC) houses Pre-K3, Pre-K4 and Kindergarten and is located at 527 Clinton Street.  Our Washington Street Campus, adjacent to the All Saints Episcopal Church, houses Grade 1 through Grade 8.

Are you a religious school?

Our spirituality program is ingrained in the fabric of our school curriculum and community, lived out through ongoing social action, community service, and self-reflection activities.

Established in 1985 as an outreach mission of All Saints Episcopal Parish, we were founded upon and espouse the sacred tenets of the Episcopal Church: to love our neighbors as ourselves, strive for justice and peace among all people, and respect the dignity of every human being.

We serve children of all faiths and embrace a view of spirituality that is broad and inclusive. We value religious diversity and provide opportunities for students to understand and appreciate a variety of different religious traditions and celebrations.

There is no compulsory worship or doctrine-based programming.

What is the application process?

Parents of all applicants must submit an on-line application which includes a parent essay as well as a teacher recommendation, Head of School recommendation and recent progress reports if applicable. Applicants will be invited for an observation visit (whether in-person or virtual) and the parents will be invited for an interview (whether in-person or virtual).

In addition to the documentation mentioned above, applicants to Grades 5-7 must submit a student questionnaire.  While not required, ISEE or SSAT test reports are appreciated.

Is there and age cut-off date?

Students must be three years old by September 1 of the year that they start Pre-K3, four years for the start of Pre-K by September 1, five years for the start of Kindergarten by September 1. This cut off date policy stands until First Grade, when we will consider applicants who miss the cut off.

Are your Pre-K3 and Pre-K4 full-day or half-day programs?

We offer two options for Pre-K3 and Pre-K4:

– Full-day – 8:30-3:00

– Half-day – 8:30-11:15


How do you select students for admission?
The admissions committee carefully considers all of the information from the application, student observation, parent interview, letters of recommendation and assessment in order to enroll as balanced a population as possible. This includes, but is not limited to, balancing along gender, race, international status, socio-economic diversity, and familial structure.
Do you have a wait list?
Unfortunately, we cannot offer spots to all of the qualified candidates who apply. We will offer wait pool acceptances to those students who are determined to be a good fit at All Saints but for whom we do not have enough spots. Should a spot become available, we will draw from this wait pool. We do not have a rank ordered list as we strive to fill vacancies with the applicants who help us maintain the class balance.
Are any applicants given special consideration?
Yes. Siblings, legacy students and members of the All Saints Parish are given priority in the admissions process.
Do you offer Financial Aid?
Yes. We offer need-based financial aid and applicants must submit their Financial Aid Application when they apply for admission. Approximately 5% of our families receive some form of aid. Please visit our Financial Aid page for more information.
How many openings do you have?
The number of openings varies each year depending on our sibling and legacy applicant pool and on how many families re-enroll for any given year. We encourage applications from all qualified candidates and will do our best to accommodate requests for placement from families who are a good fit with our program.
Does All Saints provide high school placement support?
Yes, we begin the High School application process in the middle of Grade 7 and work in partnership with families and students throughout the process. A complete list of schools to which our graduates have been accepted can be found at High School Placement.

Diversity & Values

All Saints is a diverse community that respects each others’ differences in spiritual belief, family composition, socio-economic background, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, and physical and intellectual ability. We believe that our diversity makes us an educationally dynamic and insightful community.

Sharing a wide variety of human experiences allows us to develop a deep understanding of the world. At All Saints we are committed to a culture of “Mitakuye Oyasin,” a Lakota expression that means “We are all one.” We all belong to the same human family and depend on one another to create a community in which everyone feels a sense of belonging.

We strive to maintain our diverse culture by taking a thoughtful approach to admissions, hiring and curriculum. We make a point of recruiting students and staff from organizations that serve under-represented populations and we always strive to make all families feel welcome in our community. Our curriculum is designed to expose the students to a wide range of beliefs and we work with students at all grade levels to develop their critical thinking skills, their ethical acumen and their ability to accept and assimilate new information.

By being exposed to a diverse set of beliefs and backgrounds, children learn to examine and gain confidence in their own views while also developing a curiosity about the human spirit and a true understanding that there are many ways of looking at the world. We believe that it is the diversity of our culture that teaches our students how to interact with others using conviction, compassion and grace, and allows them to walk among many while remaining true to themselves.


All Saints Episcopal Day School does not discriminate on the basis of race, religious tradition, color, gender, national or ethnic origin, or sexual orientation in administration of its educational programs, admission policies and financial aid.

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707 Washington Street, Hoboken, NJ, 07030

527 Clinton St, Hoboken, NJ 07030


