Think Like a Scientist  

February 24, 2022

First Graders are naturally curious about the world around them and how and why things work. The First Grade science curriculum builds on this intuitive exploration of the natural world while introducing more formalized experimentation and opportunities for hands-on study. Students are challenged to “think like a scientist” as they embark on experiments to help them learn about the natural world.  Science instruction involves learning about the design process, including making and testing of hypotheses, and drawing of logical and scientific conclusions. 

After learning about the steps in the engineering design process, the First Graders at All Saints identified real problems that they have at home, school or in the community and brainstormed possible ideas and solutions to the problem. They worked with partners to bring their designs to life. Prototypes of the inventions were shared with parents during an Open Science Morning. The event included a presentation from each group describing the problem identified, as well as the invention designed to solve the problem. Problems identified included ways to clean up messes, avoid traffic, protect animals, and combat littering. Open Science Morning provides opportunities for students to be  inquirers, thinkers, risk-takers and communicators. These are important learner profile traits, which are part of our International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme.

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