Wheelbarrow Design Project

March 17, 2022

In Grade 7, students completed a wheelbarrow project for their Design class. Each unit in the International Baccalaureate Programme has a statement of inquiry that guides the unit. For this unit, the students worked from the statement of inquiry: Designers construct functional, accessible products based on the communications of their clients. To execute this project, each Grade 7 student partnered with a Kindergarten student, who was the client. The Grade 7 designers gathered as much information as possible on their Kindergarten client’s favorite animal and constructed a wheelbarrow that looked like the animal. The Grade 7 students also had to incorporate components that were Kindergarten-made and attach them to their wheelbarrow. Additionally, the Kindergarten students created animal sock puppets, animal fact books, and a puppet stage to share what they learned. Since we value both academic and social connections, both classes had the opportunity to go to the zoo together and also meet together in-person for collaborative group work. In March, the two classes will present their wheelbarrows and puppets jointly for parents and members of the community.

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