Our Mission, Vision and Values

All Saints Episcopal Day School is a diverse community committed to academic excellence and social responsibility for students from Pre-K3 to Grade 8.

At All Saints, we help

children develop:

  • A commitment to personal excellence
  • The discipline and integrity to be successful in school and in life
  • A responsibility for this planet and a gratitude for its beauty
  • A sense of spirituality through social action and service
  • A sincere love of learning

At All Saints Episcopal day School we believe…

  • Children need opportunities to grow intellectually, emotionally, physically and spiritually.
  • Education should instill an appreciation and responsibility for the earth and all living things.
  • Cooperation and teamwork are key elements for personal development.
  • Children are best served when families and schools work in partnership with one another.
  • Self-awareness is essential to understanding our connections
    to our neighbors and our world.
  • Children can make a difference by giving of themselves to others.

Mission & Values

All Saints Episcopal Day School is a diverse community committed to academic excellence and social responsibility for students from Pre-K3 to Grade 8. At All Saints, we help children develop:

  • A commitment to personal excellence
  • The discipline and integrity to be successful in school and in life
  • A responsibility for this planet and gratitude for its beauty
  • A sense of spirituality through social action and service
  • A sincere love of learning

Our Statements

Strategic Vision Statement

All Saints Episcopal Day School: Where inspired academics fuel passion, purpose and action to honor the enduring truth that we are all one.

Episcopal Identity Statement

All Saints Episcopal Day School, established in 1985 as an outreach mission of All Saints Episcopal Parish, was founded upon and espouses the sacred tenets of the Episcopal Church: to love our neighbors as ourselves, strive for justice and peace among all people, and respect the dignity of every human being.

The School serves children of all faiths and embraces a view of spirituality that is broad and inclusive. The School values religious diversity and provides opportunities for students to understand and appreciate a variety of different religious traditions and celebrations. This inclusive approach to spirituality helps children grow with open hearts full of love, joy and compassion.

Diversity Statement

All Saints is a diverse community that respects each others’ differences in spiritual belief, family composition, socio-economic background, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, and physical and intellectual ability. We believe that our diversity makes us an educationally dynamic and insightful community.

Sharing a wide variety of human experiences allows us to develop a deep understanding of the world. At All Saints we are committed to a culture of “Mitakuye Oyasin,” a Lakota expression that means “We are All Related.” We all belong to the same human family and depend on one another to create a community in which everyone feels a sense of belonging.

We strive to maintain our diverse culture by taking a thoughtful approach to admissions, hiring and curriculum. We make a point of recruiting students and staff from organizations that serve under-represented populations and we always strive to make all families feel welcome in our community. Our curriculum is designed to expose the students to a wide range of beliefs and we work with students at all grade levels to develop their critical thinking skills, their ethical acumen and their ability to accept and assimilate new information.

By being exposed to a diverse set of beliefs and backgrounds, children learn to examine and gain confidence in their own views while also developing a curiosity about the human spirit and a true understanding that there are many ways of looking at the world. We believe that it is the diversity of our culture that teaches our students how to interact with others using conviction, compassion and grace, and allows them to walk among many while remaining true to themselves.

Anti-racist statement

All Saints Episcopal Day School has been and continues to be committed to striving for equality, challenging injustice, and serving others. It is our duty and responsibility to examine, question, challenge, and disrupt the myriad ways that systematic racial inequity and discrimination impact education, society, and the world. We begin this work by looking inside ourselves, and we commit to growing as part of this community. We believe that it is necessary to learn, teach, and actively engage in ways that challenge the existing systems and strive to build a more equitable, just society.

“As a teacher at All Saints for 10 years, I’ve enjoyed the relationships that I’ve formed with my students and their families. I truly love the All Saints community. Now, as a parent of a student at All Saints, I have a renewed sense of appreciation for the school. My son comes home each day excited about what he’s learned, about how kind his teachers are, and about the fun things that he does with his friends in class.”

Rebecca Van Loon, teacher
Students learning about agriculture

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707 Washington Street, Hoboken, NJ, 07030

527 Clinton St, Hoboken, NJ 07030



