High School and
College Acceptances

The Director of High School Placement and a team of case managers support students and their families as they transition to high school. Finding the best fit for each of our individual students is of primary importance. Our team regularly networks with schools of interest, organizes opportunities for strengthening interview skills and test prep skills, and communicates with families regarding school fairs and Open House opportunities, application deadlines, recommendations and application essay writing.

Why Our Students are So Successful

It is a student’s long-term experiences at All Saints that undergirds their success in the High School application process. The development of interview skills begins in the Pre-K3 class, presentations are part of every major project and character building opportunities range from students’ participation in community service projects, overnight trips and collaborative learning practices. Furthermore, the recommendations that our faculty can write on behalf of our graduating students are based on a real knowledge of who that child is as an individual. Our teachers will have volunteered alongside the student they are writing about at a local soup kitchen, been on a remote farm with them, and coached them through challenging academic work and social ups and downs.

The International Baccalaureate Programme promotes challenging instruction and the more holistic aims of intercultural understanding and respect through its focus on treating students with courtesy, civility and deference. This mindset encourages students to understand their own best learning processes so that they can advocate for themselves in any academic environment. They discover the importance of different learning traits as they cycle through inquiry, action and reflection upon the material they are learning year after year at All Saints. It is this holistic approach to developing learners that makes them such attractive candidates to on-going schools and colleges

High School Acceptances and Matriculations

Academy of the Holy Angels (New Jersey)*

Avenues: The World School (New York)*

The Bergen Academies (New Jersey)*

The Browning School (New York)

The Calhoun School (New York)*

Columbia Grammar & Preparatory School (New York)

Convent of the Sacred Heart (New York)*

County Prep High School (New Jersey)

Dominican Academy (New York)

The Dublin School (New Hampshire)

Dwight-Englewood School (New Jersey)*

The Dwight School (New York)

EF Academy (New York)*

Elisabeth Irwin High School/LREI (New York)*

Franklin School*

Friends Seminary (New York)*

Gould Academy (Maine) *

Grace Church School (New York)*

The Hewitt School

High Tech High School (New Jersey)*

Horace Mann School (New York)

The Hudson School (New Jersey)*

Hudson Catholic Regional High School (New Jersey)*

Kent Place School (New Jersey)*

LaGuardia High School of Music & Art and Performing Arts (New York)*

Léman Manhattan Preparatory School (New York) *

Loyola School (New York) *

Marist High School (New Jersey)

Marymount School (New York)*

McNair Academic High School (New Jersey)*

Montclair Kimberley Academy (New Jersey)*

Morristown-Beard School (New Jersey)*

The Nightingale-Bamford School (New York)*

Notre Dame School (New York)*

Oak Knoll School of the Holy Child (New Jersey)

Oratory Preparatory School (New Jersey)*

The Packer Collegiate Institute (New York)

Paramus Catholic High School (New Jersey)*

The Pennington School (New Jersey)*

Rockland County Day School (New York)

Regis High School (New York)*

St. Anthony High School (New Jersey)

St. Benedict’s Preparatory School (New Jersey)*

St. Dominic Academy (New Jersey)*

St. John’s College High School (Washington, DC)*

St. Peter’s Preparatory School (New Jersey)*

St. Vincent Academy (New Jersey)

St. Vincent Ferrer (New York)

Seton Hall Preparatory School (New Jersey)*

United Nations International School (New York)

Trinity School (New York)*

Trevor Day School*

West Nottingham Academy (Maryland)*

Winston Preparatory School (New York)*

Xaverian High School (New York)*

Xavier High School (New York)*

York Preparatory School (New York)*

*Signifies where an All Saints graduate matriculated

College Matriculations

All Saints graduated its first class of Grade 8 students in 2012 but our young alumni have been attending some very impressive colleges.  Here’s list of where they have matriculated:

American University

Babson College

Balliol College, Oxford University

Bates College

Bowdoin College

Centenary University

Colby College

Drew University

East Carolina University

East Georgia State

Elon University

Essex County Community College

Fordham University

Franklin & Marshall College

George Washington University

Haverford College

Ithaca College

Lehigh University

Manhattanville College

McGill University

Montclair State University

New Jersey City University

Northeastern University

Northwestern University

New York University

Penn State

Rutgers University

Sacred Heart University

Saint Peter’s University

Stevens Institute

Syracuse University

Trinity College Dublin (Ireland)

Tulane University

UC San Diego

University College London

University of Chicago

University of Edinburgh (Scotland)

University of Manchester

University of Richmond

University of Rochester

University of Scranton

University of Vermont

Vanderbilt University

Vassar College

Villanova University

Washington University in St. Louis

Wesleyan University

West Point

Williams College

Wittenberg University

To learn more about how our graduates are faring in college and in life, please check out our Alumni Profiles

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